Elf Log 001

Well I was 1000% right and this creepy little elf has been the hi-light of Clare’s weekend. Here’s how it’s going so far.

We set up Snow Cone for when Clare arrived home from school on Friday. She made her a heart out of popcorn and left her a little Minnie trinket and some doll clothes.

Note: If you’re not doing the “reporting to Santa part” you can bypass this book. Oops. She was so confused and then I was like…”oh look! Little Einstein’s is on Disney Plus!!’ And she forgot about it.

It was a really fun way to kick things off, but not what I had originally intended. Friday was St. Nicholas day and I wanted to leave her a food pantry shopping list. But Thursday and Friday were possibly the most stressful days out of my entire year (naturally), so I kind of threw crap together 5 minutes before school pick up.

Saturday morning, Clare woke up MUCH to her delight, to see that Snow Cone had, “used her elf magic” to put ALL her JoJo bows in one of our Christmas’s trees, aaaaand was wearing one herself.

I put the elf pretty high up in the tree and Clare brought her step stool in just took try to look closer. All day, she would run over to the tree and tell Snow Come things that were going on, and to tell her thank you for the fun doll clothes. It was SO SWEET.

Tomorrow she will wake up, and possibly be sad that she can’t play with her Barbie Car since Snow Cone is driving it… but that Elf went on a road trip in the middle of the night in it!!! At least she stopped at Bucees and brought back some treats.

So week one down. I’ve been fighting off a migraine for two days and wasn’t sure if could get all this together, but we did it!!! And Clare is having a BALL.

Thanks for hanging in there with us. More Elf reports coming soon.

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